There is no easy cure for teenage traffic deaths and injuries, but Susan Kessler believes she has at least come up with a way to help limit the carnage: When a new driver gets behind the wheel, just slap a temporary warning sign on the car.
Kessler has developed signs for teens with learner permits and first-year licenses. They are attached magnetically to the car's sheet metal and display the words "Caution Newly Licensed."
It's not hard to imagine the signs being a nightmare to teens obsessed with what their peers think. But, Kessler, a Kennesaw, Georgia, mother of six, says the real horror is out on the highway: thousands of young people are killed and injured in traffics every year.
More than 15,000 of people have ordered the signs since Kessler and a group of other moms introduced them four years ago.
Source here. You can order the magnet sticker here.
From that site:
The CAUTION-NEWLY LICENSED® car magnet identifies teen drivers and
alerts surrounding drivers to slow down and use caution and patience.
The magnet provides an "added shield of protection" for teens
with learners permits and first year drivers.