United States Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia Edmund A. Booth Jr. announced Friday that he would resign effective midnight Sept. 3.
“I am grateful for the opportunity to have served in the United States Attorney’s Office for over 38 years," Booth said. "It has been my high honor and distinct privilege to have served these past two and one-half years as United States Attorney. I look forward to the future and exploring work opportunities in the private sector.”
Booth served as Acting U. S. Attorney from February 2007 until he was appointed by Attorney General Gonzalez as Interim United States Attorney in September 2007, and President George W. Bush appointed him to his current position on Dec. 7, 2007.
Booth previously served as Interim U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia from April 21, 2001 to Nov. 16, 2001 under an appointment by Attorney General Ashcroft as extended by the Chief Judge of the district.
Source here.